Returned by GetSearchResponsesByLocation.
Type | Name | Description |
String | Source | Optional if dimension= source |
String | Interface | Optional if dimension= interface |
String | Category | Optional if dimension= category |
Int | LocationId | |
String | LocationName | |
String | Address1 | |
String | Address2 | |
String | Country | |
String | State | |
String | StateAbbr | |
String | City | |
String | URL | |
String | FaxNumber | |
String | PhoneNumber | |
String | EmailAddress | |
Bit | Active | |
String | PostalCode | |
Date | DateCreated | |
Date | DateModified | |
Date | SearchDate | |
Int | Viewed | |
Int | URLClicked | |
Int | EmailClicked | |
Int | LocationResultsClicked | |
Int | LocationMapClicked | |
Int | DirectionsClicked | |
Int | NumResults | Count of locations as results |
String | NextPageToken | Token to the next set of results |
List <RestAttribute Object> | attributes |