HolidayHours Object

This object provides Holiday Hours data associated with a location. The data is from the current date forward: historical Holiday Hours are not provided.

IntIDBullseye internal ID.
IntLocationIDID of the Location containing the Holiday Hours.
Nullable IntHolidayCountryIDThe Holiday Country record that these Holiday Hours are associated with.
StringHolidayNameName of the Holiday, if applicable.
DateTimeHolidayDateDate for this particular set of hours.
DateTimeOpeningDateAndTimeContains the opening time for this particular date. If the Location is closed, the time is 00:00:00.
DateTimeClosingDateAndTimeContains the closing time for this particular date. If the Location is closed, the time is 00:00:00.
BooleanClosedIndicates the Location is closed on that date.
StringNameA value to be used in place of the Holiday Name.
StringHolidayCountryThirdPartyIDA defined Third Party ID for an instance of a holiday in a specific year for a specific country. i.e., Christmas2023US.