This object is returned from the GetLocation method, and is used as input for the AddLocation and UpdateLocation methods. It represents a location as used in several of the LocationService calls.
(This object is similar, but not identical, to the LocationResult object used in the search service.)
Type (max length) | Name | Description |
Int | Id | Bullseye location ID |
String (255) | Name | The name of the location |
Bool | Active | Whether the location is active or not |
Int | MemberId | Bullseye member ID (There is currently no way to retrieve detail member info via a web service call.) |
String (255) | URL | The location’s website URL |
Int | CountryId | The location’s numeric country ID |
String | CountryName | The location’s country name (not used here) |
String | CountryCode | |
String (255) | Address1 | First line of Address |
String (255) | Address2 | Second line of Address |
String (255) | Address3 | Third line of Address |
String (255) | Address4 | Fourth line of Address |
String (255) | City | The location’s city |
Int | StateId | The location’s numeric state ID |
String | StateAbbr | The location’s state abbreviation (not used) |
String | StateName | |
String (50) | PostCode | The location’s postal code (zip code in US) |
String (2000) | InternationalAddress | For locations outside the US, Canada, and the UK, contains the full address for the location. NOTE that we are phasing out this field. For new locations, you should fill out the individual address fields. |
String | EmailAddress | The location’s contact’s email address |
String (50) | PhoneNumber | The location’s phone number |
String (50) | FaxNumber | The location’s fax number |
String | MobileNumber | |
String (255) | ContactName | The location’s contact’s name |
String (255) | ContactPosition | The location’s contact’s position |
String | ContactURL | |
String | LocationTypeIconURL | |
Bool | InternetLocation | Whether or not the location is an internet location |
String | ImageFileURL | |
List <Holiday Hours> | HolidayHours | An array of Holiday Hours associate with this location, from the current day going forward. (Currently not available.) Holiday/Special Hours are custom hours put in for a specific date - the difference between Special and Holiday is whether the entry is linked to a holiday instance for a country. |
Int | LocationTypeId | The location’s type ID (TODO: no REST call to get types.) |
String | LocationTypeName | The location’s type name (not used) |
String | ThirdPartyId | The location’s third party ID |
DateTime | DateCreated | Date record was created |
DateTime | DateModified | Date record was last modified |
DateTime | DateDeleted | Date record was deleted (should always be null; the web service will not return deleted records) |
LocationCategory[] | Categories | An array of categories related to this location |
LocationAttributes[] | Attributes | An array of attributes related to this location |
LocationService1[] | Services | An array representing the services associated with this location (Lead Manager and/or Store Locator) |
LocationTerritory[] | Territories | An array of territories related to this location |
LocationCoupon[] | Coupons | |
LocationBusinessHours[] | BusinessHours | An array of LocationBusinessHours objects associated with this location will be returned. Each object will include the open and close times for each defined day of the week, the Bullseye time zone Id and name, 24 hour display format flag, and audit fields for date created, date last modified and date deleted. |
Int | ResponsivenessId | Numeric responsiveness ID. (see table of values below) |
String | ResponsivenessName | (currently blank) |
Int | ClientId | Your client ID |
Int | RepId | ID of assigned rep. Detailed rep info can be retrieved via the Lookup.GetReps() call. (TODO: no REST call for this.) |
String | RepFullName | (currently blank) |
String | UserName | Bullseye member user name |
String | Password | |
Decimal | Latitude | Location latitude |
Decimal | Longitude | Location longitude |
Int | GeoCodeStatusId | Indicates whether or not this location has been geocoded, and at what level. (0=none, 1=zip code level, 2=street address level) |
DateTime | DateLastGeoCoded | The date on which this location was most recently geocoded. |
String | BusinessHoursFmtd | BusinessHours are only available through the RestSearch GetLocation API. Business hours, in a formatted string. (cannot be set). Business Hours Formatted are the Business Hours put in a display format which displays the day of the week and the hours for that day. If any consecutive days have the same hours, a single collapsed entry is made for those days. For example, if Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday all have hours of 9AM to 5PM, a single entry of "Mon-Thu 9AM-5PM" would be used. |
String | FacebookPageId | (added 11/20/2012) - used to associate a Facebook page with a single location |
Boolean | LMServiceID | |
List <RestDailyHours> | DailyHoursList | DailyHoursList is only available through the RestSearch GetLocation API. Also known as WeeklyHours, they are the combination of the Business Hours superseded by any Special/Holiday Hours which fall within the coming week. The Weekly Hours start on the current day and go for one week, so if today is Tuesday, the hours will be ordered from Tuesday to Monday. If an entry is superseded by a Special/Holiday Hours entry, the day of the week will be replaced with the name of the Special/Holiday Hours. |
List <RestAttribute Object> | RestAttributes | |
List <RestComplexAttribute Object> | RestComplexAttributes | |
LocationEvents[] | Events | |
List <RestLocationSEO Object> | RestLocationSEO | |
List <RestLocationSocialMedia Object> | RestLocationSocialMedia | |
List <RestLocationSocialMedia Object> | RestLocationSoicalMediaLinks | |
LocationImage[] | RestLocatonImage | |
Review[] | BullseyeReviews | |
Boolean | AllowBEReview | |
String | GooglePlaceID | |
String | YelpPlaceID | |
int | LocationStatusID | |
String | OpenCloseStatus | |
List <RestBusinessHours Object> | BusinessHourList | This object includes a Bullseye TimeZoneID along with all daily Open and Close times in a 24hr format (HH:MM). |
List < HolidaySpecialHours Object > | HolidaySpecialHoursList | |
Boolean | ExcludeFromManageHours |
Responsiveness ID values
Id | Name |
1 | Very Slow |
2 | Moderately Slow |
3 | About Average |
4 | Moderately Fast |
5 | Very Fast |
Location Status Id values
1 | Not Completed |
2 | Pending |
3 | Approved |
4 | Rejected |
5 | Deactivated |
6 | Updated |