This object represents a single location, in a search result set.
Type | Name | Description |
Int | Id | Bullseye location ID |
String | Name | The name of the location |
String | URL | The location’s website URL |
String | Address1 | First line of Address |
String | Address2 | Second line of Address |
String | Address3 | Third line of Address |
String | Address4 | Fourth line of Address |
String | City | The location’s city |
String | State | The location’s state abbreviation (e.g. “NJ”) |
String | PostCode | The location’s postal code (zip code in US) |
String | EmailAddress | The location's email address |
String | PhoneNumber | The location’s phone number |
String | FaxNumber | The location’s fax number |
String | MobileNumber | The location’s mobile number |
String | ContactName | The location's primary contact person |
String | ContactPosition | The contact's position/job title |
String | ContactURL | The contact's website url |
String | ThirdPartyId | Third-party ID assigned by client |
Double | Distance | Distance from search point, in miles or kilometers, depending upon the country. |
String | CategoryIds | Comma-separated list of category ID's to which this location is assigned |
String | CategoryNames | Comma-separated list of category names to which this location is assigned |
List | CategoryHierarchy | A list of strings for for this location. Each string will be a Category group name and the names for its descendants |
String | TerritoryIds | Comma-separated list of territory ID's to which this location is assigned |
String | TerritoryNames | Comma-separated list of territory names to which this location is assigned |
List <RestAttribute Object> | Attributes | List of attributes for this location. Supports text, link, photo, numeric, and yes/no attributes. |
List <RestComplexAttribute Object> | ComplexAttributes | List of complex attributes and sub attributes for this location. |
List <RestCoupon Object> | Coupons | List of Coupons for the location |
List <RestEvent Object> | Events | List of upcoming Events which will be held at this location. |
String | CountryCode | “US”, “CA” (Canada), etc. |
String | CountryName | "United States" |
Decimal | Latitude | If available |
Decimal | Longitude | If available |
Int | GeoCodeStatusId | 0=None, 1=Zip Level, 2=Street Level |
Boolean | InternetLocation | True if this is an internet location. |
String | BusinessHours | BusinessHours are the Business Hours put in a display format which displays the day of the week and the hours for that day. If any consecutive days have the same hours, a single collapsed entry is made for those days. For example, if Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday all have hours of 9AM to 5PM, a single entry of "Mon-Thu 9AM-5PM" would be used. |
String | LocationTypeName | Standard, Preferred, or Exclusive |
String | TimeZone | Timezone is the generally accepted name for the Timezone. For example, "(GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)" |
String | OpenCloseStatus | "Open" or "Closed" depending on the time of the day and Business hour Holiday hours exist for the current day |
Double | TimeZoneOffset | Offset is relative to GMT and takes into account Daylight Savings Time |
String | FacebookPageId | Associates a Facebook page with the location. |
String | ImageFileUrl | Location thumbnail image |
Boolean | IsStoreLocator | Indicates whether a location has the Store Locator service. Ignore if ReturnServices is not requested. |
Boolean | IsLeadManager | Indicates whether a location has the Lead Manager service. Ignore if ReturnServices is not requested. |
List <RestDailyHours> | DailyHoursList | DailyHoursList are the combination of the Business Hours superseded by any Special/Holiday Hours which fall within the coming week. The Weekly Hours start on the current day and go for one week, so if today is Tuesday, the hours will be ordered from Tuesday to Monday. If an entry is superseded by a Special/Holiday Hours entry, the day of the week will be replaced with the name of the Special/Holiday Hours. |
String | LocationTypeIconURL | |
String | YelpPlaceID | The location's id used to retreve Yelp reviews |
String | GooglePlaceID | The location's id used to retreve Google reviews |
Boolean | AllowBEReview | Flag to allow for the assignment of reviews |
Double | AverageReviewRating | If available |
Int | TotalReviews | If available |
List <RestSocialMedia Object> | SocialMedia | The RestSocialMedia Object will contain a listing of all of the social media urls defined for a individual location |
Int | LMServiceID | |
String | LandingPagePhotos | For each location included in search results, a list of strings with each string representing a url to an existing local page photo. |
List<RestCategoryTree Object > | CategoryTree | Categories in their nested configuration |